Employee Data Dataset Comprehensive dataset containing employee information such as skills, qualifications, performance, etc. This dataset can be used for various purposes including recruitment and performance analysis.
Beach Outing Planner A dashboard displaying current weather conditions, beach locations, and safety guidelines to help plan the beach outing Beach Destination Recommender AI-powered recommendation system that suggests beach destinations based on user preferences, highlighting nearby attractions
LDM as Product Logical Data Model to represent the integrated workplace management system Workplace Management Dashboard Interactive dashboard displaying project progress, resource allocation, and other relevant metrics to provide better visibility and control over projects Facility Management Dashboard Dashboard providing real-time insights on facility management, including maintenance schedules, energy consumption, and space utilization, to streamline facility management operations Employee Management Dashboard Dashboard displaying employee information, such as HR policies, performance evaluations, and training records, to simplify employee data management
HR Analytics Dashboard Interactive dashboard providing HR analytics and insights to streamline HR processes and decision-making.
HR Dashboard A dashboard providing real-time insights on employee data, HR metrics, and performance indicators to support data-driven decision-making in HR management
Dubai Fun Dashboard Interactive dashboard displaying information on tourist attractions, events, and activities in Dubai to provide fun and enjoyment for visitors Dubai Fun AI AI-powered system providing personalized recommendations on fun activities, events, and attractions in Dubai based on visitor preferences to enhance their fun and enjoyment
Employee Performance and Engagement Dashboard A comprehensive HR dashboard displaying employee performance and engagement metrics to gain insights into employee performance and engagement.
Vegas Attractions Dashboard Interactive dashboard showing tourist attractions, hotel availability, and entertainment options in Vegas. This dashboard will provide users with a comprehensive view of the various fun activities and attractions available in Vegas, helping them plan their itinerary and make informed decisions.
Employee Performance and Engagement Dashboard A dashboard providing visualizations of employee performance metrics and engagement survey results to gain insights into employee performance and engagement.
Employee Performance and Engagement Dashboard A dashboard providing visualizations of employee performance metrics and engagement survey results to gain insights into employee performance and engagement.
Secure Personal Information Access Platform Access to personal information, payroll data, and benefits information through a secure platform, addressing the need for easy and secure access to personal data.
Centralized Employee Data Management System A centralized employee data management system that allows HR to store, manage, and access employee data in one place. This product helps improve data security and integration within HR systems.
Employee Performance and Engagement Dashboard A comprehensive dashboard providing real-time insights into employee performance and engagement. This dashboard will help HR managers and executives monitor and analyze key metrics related to employee performance, satisfaction, and engagement, allowing them to identify areas of improvement and take proactive measures to enhance overall employee experience.
Employee Data Management Dashboard A personalized dashboard providing employees with access to their personal information, performance reviews, training progress, and other relevant HR data. This helps employees access and manage their own data efficiently.
Fun Activity Dataset Dataset of various fun activities, games, and entertainment options for users to explore and engage with AI-powered Game Recommendation Engine AI-powered game recommendation engine based on user preferences, providing personalized game suggestions for fun and entertainment
Comprehensive HR Dashboard A comprehensive HR dashboard providing real-time insights on employee data, performance, and training records. This dashboard helps HR managers and executives monitor and analyze various HR metrics to improve HR processes and decision-making. Employee Self-Service Dashboard An employee self-service dashboard providing access to personal information, leave balances, and benefits information. This dashboard empowers employees to access and manage their HR-related information, reducing the dependency on HR personnel for routine inquiries.
Real-time Sensor Data and Alarm Notifications This product falls under the 'Dashboard as a Product' category as it provides real-time sensor data and alarm notifications to monitor and ensure physical security. The dashboard displays the status of sensors and triggers alarms when a security breach occurs, raising concerns to the old age home resident.
HR Analytics Dashboard An HR analytics dashboard that provides key performance metrics, turnover rate, employee engagement, etc. This data product falls under the category of Dashboard as a Product as it enables data-driven decision-making by visualizing and analyzing HR data. Payroll and Benefits Data Employee data for accurate payroll processing, benefits administration, tax calculations, etc. This data product falls under the category of Data as a Product as it provides the necessary data for efficient payroll and benefits management. Logical Data Model (LDM) A logical data model (LDM) for integrating HR systems with other IT systems in the organization. This data product falls under the category of LDM as Product as it provides a structured framework for seamless integration of HR systems. HR Audit Data Comprehensive HR audit data including process documentation, control assessments, and compliance reports. This data product falls under the category of Data as a Product as it provides the necessary data for auditing HR processes and controls.
HR Analytics Dashboard An HR analytics dashboard that provides key performance metrics, turnover rate, employee engagement, etc. This data product falls under the category of Dashboard as a Product as it enables data-driven decision-making by visualizing and analyzing HR data. Payroll and Benefits Data Employee data for accurate payroll processing, benefits administration, tax calculations, etc. This data product falls under the category of Data as a Product as it provides the necessary data for efficient payroll and benefits management. Logical Data Model (LDM) A logical data model (LDM) for integrating HR systems with other IT systems in the organization. This data product falls under the category of LDM as Product as it provides a structured framework for seamless integration of HR systems.
HR Dashboard with key metrics and analytics This data product falls under the category of Dashboard as a Product. It is a comprehensive HR dashboard that provides key metrics and analytics to gain insights and optimize workforce management. Employee Self-Service Portal with HR Information This data product falls under the category of Dashboard as a Product. It is an employee self-service portal that provides access to self-service HR information, allowing employees to retrieve HR-related information on their own.
Elderly Security Dashboard A user-friendly dashboard displaying real-time location, emergency contacts, and environmental sensor data to enhance the security of elderly people. Elderly Health Monitoring Dashboard A dashboard providing real-time updates on the location, health status, and emergency alerts of elderly family members.
Employee Performance and Engagement Dashboard Interactive dashboard providing real-time metrics on employee performance and engagement. This dashboard falls under the category of Dashboard as a Product as it provides insights and MIS to management to measure the health of the organization in terms of employee performance and engagement. Self-Service HR Tools and Resources Dashboard Self-service dashboard providing access to HR tools, policies, and resources. This dashboard falls under the category of Dashboard as a Product as it enables employees to gain access to self-service HR tools and resources, contributing to improved efficiency and empowerment.
Employee Performance and Engagement Dashboard Interactive dashboard providing real-time metrics on employee performance and engagement. This dashboard falls under the category of Dashboard as a Product as it provides insights and MIS to management to measure the health of the organization in terms of employee performance and engagement. Self-Service HR Tools and Resources Dashboard Self-service dashboard providing access to HR tools, policies, and resources. This dashboard falls under the category of Dashboard as a Product as it enables employees to gain access to self-service HR tools and resources, contributing to improved efficiency and empowerment.
Employee Performance and Engagement Dashboard Interactive dashboard providing real-time metrics on employee performance and engagement. This dashboard falls under the category of Dashboard as a Product as it provides insights and MIS to management to measure the health of the organization in terms of employee performance and engagement. Self-Service HR Tools and Resources Dashboard Self-service dashboard providing access to HR tools, policies, and resources. This dashboard falls under the category of Dashboard as a Product as it enables employees to gain access to self-service HR tools and resources, contributing to improved efficiency and empowerment.
Employee Performance and Engagement Dashboard Interactive dashboard providing real-time metrics on employee performance and engagement. This dashboard falls under the category of Dashboard as a Product as it provides insights and MIS to management to measure the health of the organization in terms of employee performance and engagement. Self-Service HR Tools and Resources Dashboard Self-service dashboard providing access to HR tools, policies, and resources. This dashboard falls under the category of Dashboard as a Product as it enables employees to gain access to self-service HR tools and resources, contributing to improved efficiency and empowerment.
Employee Performance and Engagement Dashboard Interactive dashboard providing real-time metrics on employee performance and engagement. This dashboard falls under the category of Dashboard as a Product as it provides insights and MIS to management to measure the health of the organization in terms of employee performance and engagement. Self-Service HR Tools and Resources Dashboard Self-service dashboard providing access to HR tools, policies, and resources. This dashboard falls under the category of Dashboard as a Product as it enables employees to gain access to self-service HR tools and resources, contributing to improved efficiency and empowerment.
Recruitment and Retention Dashboard Provides visualized data on employee profiles, recruitment metrics, and performance indicators to improve recruitment and retention processes.
Recruitment and Retention Dashboard Provides visualized data on employee profiles, recruitment metrics, and performance indicators to improve recruitment and retention processes.
Recruitment and Retention Dashboard Provides visualized data on employee profiles, recruitment metrics, and performance indicators to improve recruitment and retention processes.
Recruitment Dashboard A dashboard that provides insights on candidate profiles, job descriptions, and interview feedback to improve the recruitment process. AI-powered Performance Tracking Tool An AI-powered tool that tracks and provides insights on individual and team performance, helping automate the manual performance tracking process.
Employee Dashboard A comprehensive dashboard displaying employee information, payroll details, and performance metrics. This dashboard provides HR managers with a holistic view of employee data, allowing them to streamline HR processes and make data-driven decisions. Personalized HR Dashboard A personalized dashboard providing employees with easy access to their personal information, leave balance, and benefits details. This dashboard enhances employee experience by enabling self-service and reducing the need for manual inquiries.
Comprehensive Employee Database A centralized employee database with performance metrics and other relevant information, providing a comprehensive view of employees across the organization. Employee Self-Service Portal A self-service portal for employees to access personal data, HR policies, and relevant information, enabling them to easily find and manage HR-related information.